Fix your attention on your...goal[s] and never look back on your earlier problems... Our energies [should be] focused not behind us but ahead of us..."
—Howard W. Hunter
Ensign, May 1987
I found this in a newsletter I get every day. I think it is amazing the way sometimes things just show up kind of right when you need them to. I have been so upset lately over little things thaty dont even matter. Stuff I caint even fix, things I have no control over. Now I realize what I need to do. Focus on what I can change then the rest will keep.
#1 Thing I can control..MY MIND.... Whether or not I am going to let this problem with my kidneys control me or if I am going to control it.......
I think I am going to be in charge. But HOW?
Well I am going to educate myself more. I have been doing some interesting reading. So I still dont know the name but I know what the possibilities are for the disease. It caint be worse than what I already have. I know that. Well I quesse it could. But I have decided it is not. So all I need to do is educate myself more. Go to the Dr on Wednesday and get the nexgt steps and in the mean time I need to start life changes. Real life changes.
First change... State of mind as said above. Be come more positive and I control what is going on. So I am going to say this affrimation as often as possible...
I am healthy, happy, energetic, intelligent, and free.
Over and over again.
I am not going to get lazier with this. Yes I dont feel good an dI have no energy but I am not going to focus on that. Instead I am going to tell myself I am energetic, I can get through this day and do everything I can.
Now the hard one ..
Second Change...... MY BODY....
I need to start eating and excersing better. I am not going to rely on drugs any more to loose weight. I caint. It is not healthy. So I need to start excersing and eating right, I have already cut mu soda over half the normal intake. Now I got to get off the brownies and the dove bars.
NO EXCUSES any more.. It is litterly do or die.
My next big change is Spirit.... I need to continue with the spiritual growth I have been developing. I have come along way but I still have along way to go. I need not to sneek a cigerette here and there because it does matter!! I need not to nagg my loving dear husband about what disisions he makes about wether he is going to drink or not and just silenghtly pray to our dear Lord to help him and me to make it to the temple in this life.
I want things too fast I think. I have been worried about things that caint even happen for a year! a year! Thats insane. I am not going to do that any more. I am going to try to do what I can and the rest will keep.
Ya I like that I am going to repeat that along with my other Affirmation.