Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Change... Not always a bad thing.

You know people say all the time Can you believe how so and so changed? I cant believe she or he has changed so much. Well, My opinion, and you know I was going to give it) is that if you don't reflect at least once a day on something that you are going to change then You are in some real trouble. It could be rearranging your cubicle, to a life altering deep change. I have made several changes as I have stated in the past. It took awhile to get to the point to say ok enough is enough I am DONE with this issue pressing on my mind how am I going to fix it.

Now I am not saying that I am all powerful Miss Perfect.I am saying that I am trying. These are the things that have impacted me the most to make changes and some of the changes I have made.

First of all my children. All three of those wonderful small beings that my Heavenly Father has blessed me with. They changed the way I think from the day that I found out I was pregnant with my first one. I no longer could only think of me. I had to think and act for another human being. I am so grateful for my children. They have kept me grounded and out some serious bad situations.

Second My Husband. I love that man more than I ever knew you could love another Human being. He is defiantly my soul mate, my other half. If I never had him I would not be where I am today. And if I lost him I am not sure if I could breath, move, think or function ever again. He makes me laugh and holds me when I need to cry. He pushes me to be a better person. I look at him different each and every day. Our marriage has grown into this beautiful relationship that I never knew you could have with another person. My friend told me once she loved her husband so much that she could crawl up inside him and stay there and be perfectly happy. I didn't understand then what she meant.... but now.. Now I do. As much as we are one he still allows me to be m own person and encourages me every step of the way. Even if he does not agree. My wish is for all my children and all of you reading this finds this kind of love.

The next thing that has created change in me is this book that I read. A Heart Like His. It has made me stop and think about what thought I allow into my brain and how long I allow them to stay there. This is what I figured out. I can either let a depressing thought get into my head and fester making me miserable or I can force it out an be happy. I am working really hard to control my thought so that I can work on becoming more Christ like in thought and action.

Anyway what has brought on this rambling is that a friend has told me that I have changed. And my response to that is No I have grown and I am thankful for all the influenced that have come along to help with that.


At 4:26 PM, Blogger Sara Kay said...

Wow. Those are great changes to make. Good for you on the weight thing. I can see how that would totally change your life.

At 8:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good words.


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